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Administering Jerusalem's Holy Sites: Cooperation and Conflict

The Institute for Policy Research and Catholic Studies co-sponsored, along with the McLean Center for the Study of Culture and Values and the School of Theology and Religious Studies, an online panel discussion of Catholic University of America Columbus School of Law professor Marshall Breger's new book The Contest and Control of Jerusalem's Holy Sites (Cambridge University Press, 2024).

In addition to Prof. Breger, the distinguished panel of discussants included:

  • Fr. David Neuhaus, S.J., Pontifical Biblical Institute, Jerusalem. Former patriarchal vicar for Hebrew-speaking Catholics

  • Moussa Abou Ramadan, University of Strasbourg, France. Professor of Muslim Law and Islamology

  • Dan Arbell, American University, Washington, DC. 25-year veteran of the Israeli Foreign Service

February 15

Can We Be Civil? Prophetic Indictment and Call-Out Culture in American Public Life

March 20

“Community, Solidarity, and Religious Freedom”